1 – Acceptance
These conditions apply to all orders for the goods and the services made by the customer on date of acceptance.
Any quotation issued by BayCom shall be open for acceptance by the customer for 30 days from the date of issue.
2 – GST – All prices quoted are GST exclusive.
3 – Term is 24 months unless otherwise stated
4. Cash Payment terms
4.1 Cash Payment 100% for non-recurring on acceptance, monthly recurring charges to be paid on or before the due date.
4.2 The customer may not withhold payment or make any deduction from or set off against the contract price.
5. Cancellation – Any cancellation of a signed Quotation Acceptance / Agreement is at the sole discretion of BayCom. (This is a binding contract).
5.1 Cancellation if permitted, will incur cost to the customer as follows, 100% of the remaining term or actual cost incurred by BayCom, whichever is the greater.
5.2 Request by the customer for cancellation will be in writing stating reasons/circumstances. Any costs incurred in recovering cancellation costs will also be the customer’s responsibility.
6 The quotation includes installation to existing cabling. If existing extensions are found during installation to be inadequate or require replacement, an additional charge will be incurred on a time and materials basis.
6.1 Unless new cabling is specified in this quotation any additional new cabling provided, will be chargeable to the customer.
7. Telco Network Services – All Telco and network provider costs and services are not the responsibility of BayCom unless otherwise stated in the pricing schedule.
7.1 BayCom accepts no responsibility for Cloud hacking or fraud.
8. This signed acceptance permits BayCom and/or its agents to make adjustments & changes to the customers’ Telco network facilities.
8.1 Unless specifically stated, no allowance has been made for any early termination costs from your existing Telco.
8.2 If costs are incurred with these changes the customer accepts responsibility for these charges.
8. 3 We may charge you on a time and materials basis for diagnosing and/or fixing faults reported by you, that fall outside our responsibilities under this Agreement or are not attributed to our equipment or software.
9. BayCom is not liable for any non-performance of any third-party supplier’s hardware, software, or services and offers no guarantees of connectivity/compatibility.
9.1 It is acknowledged, and the customer accepts that the hardware supplied will perform to the manufacturer’s specifications only. No commitment by any BayCom staff can alter this performance offer.
9.2 Contact centre agent/ call accounting software – In supplying this software it is the customer’s responsibility to provide a suitable specified PC if this is required.
9.3 It is the customers’ responsibility to ensure devices & LAN/WAN integration plus correct software and firmware packs are loaded and that they are compatible with the services being provided, Devices of a suitable standard must be supplied.
9.4 The customer is to supply a device for any software integration if required.
9.5 The customer must provide network connectivity that is capable of supporting voice or video as required.
9.6 VoIP network installation, provisioning, and costs are not included; this is the customer’s responsibility unless otherwise stated in the pricing schedule.
10. Warranty/service contract; BayCom warrants all new equipment supplied, that for twelve months (12) from the date of the contract or the date of installation, whichever is later, unless specified differently in the proposal, BayCom shall pass on to the customer (to the extent that it is able to do so) any manufactures or suppliers’ parts warranties.
10.1 Non-fixed hardware i.e., Handsets and Cordless phones etc. are provided with a “Back to base” parts warranty as above(the customer will need to courier these faulty units to BayCom at the customer’s expense).
10.2 Batteries are not included in any warranties offered.
10.3 Warranty provides for service between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm excluding weekends and public holidays. Any overdue accounts will nullify any warranties offered or expressed.
11 DECT Wireless / Cordless.
11.1 BayCom does not guarantee coverage or range.
11.2 Should additional DECT Repeaters, and transmitters be required these will be supplied at the customer’s expense. Batteries for these products are not included in any warranties offered.
12. No settlement of any existing lease facility has been allowed for unless specifically mentioned in the proposal.
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